PALS Update Class Pre-Course Work (PALS-2020U- PCW)
This course is for healthcare providers who hold a non-expired American Heart Association PALS course completion card.
This is a PALS renewal course for proficient students who wish to complete the bulk of the course work before coming in to the training center. Upon enrollment, a PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work link will be emailed to the student. This online material must be completed in its entirety, then the course completion certificate needs to be emailed to us. Next, the student will be emailed a link to complete the PALS "written exam" online via the American Heart Association eLearning site (This exam must be completed in one sitting and the online course survey must be completed for the exam to show as complete). All of this work is completed before you come to the training center. When you come in to the training center, you will review team dynamic videos, practice/test high quality CPR, then work in a team setting with one of our AHA instructors using the simulator to practice/test on pediatric scenarios.
PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work MUST be received by EVERY student prior to the course date – it is MANDATORY per the AHA – if the student doesn’t provide completion certificate 24 hours prior to class; they are not permitted to attend class. Email it to:mail@ec3-tc.com
* If you last completed your PALS certification training with Educational Critical Care Concepts (within 2 years), you DO NOT need to send us a copy of your current course completion card.
IMPORTANT: There is no grace period for expired certification cards
$210.50 (Course Only)
Required Course Material (Choose One):
- PALS Provider Manual (PALS Pocket Reference Card Included)
- PALS Provider (eBook)
Optional Items:
- PALS Pocket Reference Cards
- PALS Digital Reference Cards
- ECC Handbook
- ECC Handbook eBook
- BLS Heartcode w/ Skills Session
Click here for detailed course description